Spotlight on Home Health
Are you looking for a flexible schedule and top pay? A position as a home health therapist may be perfect...
Are you looking for a flexible schedule and top pay? A position as a home health therapist may be perfect...
As a health care professional, you have undoubtedly encountered patients who are difficult, if not impossible, to please. Worse still...
There are many exciting specialties available to you as a physical therapist. A specialty certification demonstrates your proficiency in your...
Physical therapy school is over, and you are now in your first year as a physical therapist. There is no...
Work-life balance is all about disconnecting your personal and professional life. Both are important, so do not neglect either one....
If you are wrapping up your physical therapy education, you might have a bit of debt to go along with...
“Dream jobs do not exist,” may be a frightening statement for some who are trying to nab that perfect job,...
“So, what do you do?” often starts new conversations. However, this greeting carries a lot of baggage with it. Those...
Finding satisfying work can be difficult, especially for new therapists, but also for therapists looking to make a change in...
The current healthcare marketplace is an environment of savvy consumers. Due to high-deductible health plans and patients taking responsibility for...
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