Celebrate National Pumpkin Day with these Four Great Recipes!
Comfy-cozy days are here! Cool air, colorful leaves, and the smell of comfort foods filling up our homes. On National...
Comfy-cozy days are here! Cool air, colorful leaves, and the smell of comfort foods filling up our homes. On National...
Grand Rapids, MI Grand Rapids is a great place to gather your family and experience many activities. Don’t worry, you...
There’s some fun updates happening in the myPTsolutions’ corner of the world. We’re excited to share our brand new myPTsolutions...
Understanding How Healthcare Reform Affects Physical Therapists If you’ve worked in healthcare for 5 or 10 years, you can’t help...
58% – Adults who believe that back pain can be managed with the help of a physical therapist. Source: PT...
When exercise is fun, you may not even realize you’re getting fit. For example, some people loathe the gym —...
Participating in a provider network and accepting reimbursement from an insurance carrier can help drive patients to your clinic, but...
Knee replacement surgeries have increased in frequency in the U.S. In fact, from 2000–2012, Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) surgeries increased...
Physical Therapy school provides an excellent start to a Physical Therapist’s manual therapy training. However, most therapists realize that to...
Lower back pain affects roughly one out of every 4 Americans with chronic and debilitating consequences. The American Academy of...
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