Four reasons January is a great time to begin searching for a new physical therapist job.
1. Finding a new job is a common New Year’s Resolution.
Entering a job search takes a great deal of effort. Most of us need all the encouragement we can get to tackle these difficult tasks, and so a resolution helps us get started.
2. Opportunity to break into a new facility.
Maybe you’ve always wanted to get into a specialty clinic or a facility with great retention. January may be your chance! Physical Therapists acting on their new year’s resolution may voluntarily leave their jobs and create new openings.
3. Job Board Data confirms that this is the busiest time of year for job seekers.
According to a recent Forbe’s article, “A large spike in people searching online job boards, reaching out to contacts on various social platforms and applying for new positions has marked the first week in January during the last three years.” The large amount of job seekers during this month means that turnover can happen quickly, accelerating the job search time frame.
4. Millennials in the workforce amplify the turnover rate.
This Forbes article also mentions that, “there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that Gen Y professionals get “job restless” quickly.” Maybe you’ve noticed that the Millennial generation thinks differently about switching jobs. This generation is shaping our workforce and employers are still learning to adapt to their expectations. As Millennials become more and more the majority, the frenzy to start the new year with a new job will only grow.
What about you? Are you ready to put some action behind your “new job” dreams? If pursuing a new job is on your list for 2017, we’d love to help. Contact us today for a free, no risk assessment of jobs that match your interests.