Physical Therapy school provides an excellent start to a Physical Therapist’s manual therapy training. However, most therapists realize that to increase their ability to effectively treat complex conditions, they will need more training in manual technique and theory. The two most common ways to gain additional manual therapy skills are from consulting with co-workers and attending continuing education classes.
Although coworkers can be a great resource, they often lack sufficient time to train other staff. As for continuing education, training seminars come in two varieties– short, weekend, topic-specific courses or extensive, weeklong, manual therapy certification programs. Weekend courses offer specific treatment techniques and the opportunity to take what you’ve learned and apply it in your clinic the next week. However, although they are beneficial, and may be the only option for therapists with family commitments, weekend manual therapy courses lack a comprehensive treatment approach crucial to a complete understanding of manual therapy. For Physical Therapists who would like to pursue extensive manual therapy training, we’ve collected a list of some highly recommended manual therapy certification programs.
Check out these six highly acclaimed manual therapy certification programs:
- Ola Grimsby Institute. This school, named for Dr. Ola Grimsby and originating in Norway, now has locations throughout the world. It offers manual therapy education to therapists and physicians through certifications, residencies, fellowships, PhD programs and more.
- Kaltenborn-Evjenth Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy. This concept, also known as OMT, is a manual joint technique to aid patients with arthroneuromuscular disorders. It also originated in Norway, though it is currently taught worldwide.
- The North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy. This institute offers certifications, residencies, fellowships and doctorate programs for PTs looking to become experts in orthopaedic manual therapy. The NAIOMT system includes “a series of courses and instruction with a strong emphasis on biomechanics, mobilization/manipulation and the interaction of extremities with the spine (the quadrant system).”
- Evidence in Motion®. This program is designed to provide PTs with post-professional training in manual handling skills. Coursework involves “a dynamic combination of didactic, collaborative and clinical education experiences using a blend of distance learning, online courses and weekend intensive on-site courses.”
- University of St. Augustine. PTs can attend this school for continuing professional education and access to more than 100 specialty certifications, including exercise strategies and progression for musculoskeletal dysfunction. The school offers health science education for both classroom and distance education.
- Institute of Physical Art. This school offers locations across the country for continuing education, two different functional manual therapy certifications, an APTA credentialed FMT Orthopedic Residency Program, and an APTA/AAOMPT credentialed FMT Fellowship program. The institute now offers two-day courses designed to provide “immediate clinical results.”
Looking to expand your physical therapy career?
Perhaps you’d like to put your new certification to the test, or maybe you’re simply looking for a new position. Just contact the experts at PT Solutions! We’re a medical staffing agency run by therapists for therapists, and we’ll work with you to find just the right job opportunity based on your experience, skills and career goals. To learn more, contact PT Solutions today!